Save yourself thousands every month by avoiding these surprising “hidden in plain sight” mistakes that cost me over $30 Million dollars to learn the hard way..
Revealed at Last: The Three Most Expensive Mistakes Setting Fire to Your Ads Budget & How to Fix Them For Good (It’ll Only Cost You 2 Hours And Could Save You Millions)
Dear Friend,

You'll want to bookmark this page as the video above contains detailed processes and systems you can use to eliminate the most common reasons I see advertisers kill their sales and profits today.

And yes, the reason most ads fail is due to the decisions being made by the person running the ad campaigns!

This isn't the usual bullshit you get on a video where it's all fluff and a pitch-fest for an over priced instruction manual ripped from YT and sold as a "course".

You'll gain extremely valuable and unique insights from my experience helping 15,000+ business owners get consistent sales with ads across every major ad platform selling every kind of product or service you can imagine.

I'm in the trenches spending my own money along with big dough for my private clients every month and have been doing so since 2009.  So you're getting the truth about what works to make sales now, not some theory.

My goal is to deliver you such decision-making value on this video that you'll want to work with me for the next year to help you get the virtual cash register ringing with ads - even if you've got zero experience!

These skills have allowed me to control my income no matter what is happening in the economy or world.  Having come from nothing, I'm sharing this in hopes that you'll gain new wisdom that allows you to do the same, whether you pay me a penny or not.
If You're Ready to Become a Confident Advertiser Able to Get Consistent Sales on Any Major Ad Platform, for Any Compliant Product or Service...
Then the Academy of Advertising Diamond Club is right for you.  This program will give you the skills, tools and support you need to have complete control of your business revenue.

This works for Ecommerce, Information Products, Coaching/Consulting. Agency Services, Local Businesses, Lead Generation, Low Ticket & High Ticket.  You'll get examples of how to create offers, funnels and ad campaigns that sell for every business model on Planet Earth.

Plus, this works no matter your experience level and heck, you certainly don't need to be a big spender!  All of my ad strategies start with as little as $20/day.

With a "you make $10k or you don't pay" 365 day guarantee*... You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by joining the Academy of Advertising Diamond Club today!
Join The Academy of Advertising Diamond Club >>
365 Day Money Back Guarantee*
100% Secure.
Here’s A Few Examples of Results Other Members Have Gotten Using My Unique Methods (You Won't Find This Advanced & Customized Stuff For Free On YouTube)
Here’s How You'll Gain The Clarity + Certainty To Create, Launch & Scale Profitable Campaigns For Any Compliant Product or Service, On Every Major Ad Platform
Live Weekly Consulting Calls + What's Working Now With Ads Training By AOA Founder, Jason Hornung.

Every Monday at 10am Pacific, you'll meet live with me and the other Diamond Club members to get help with your offers, funnels, ads and sales.

You'll also get exclusive training on successful tests I'm running for clients today so you stay on top of what's working now.  It's not uncommon for clients to report windfall profits on these calls.
Scale Profits Now Monthly Strategy Guide + Swipe File.

Every month, you'll get a case study of a proven money-making campaign you can deploy into your business or into your client accounts.  Each swipe file you get has made over $100,000 in testing.

You'll get the strategy, execution plan, asset frameworks & asset templates to model so you can quickly make bank.  You'll also get all past issues of these guides.
24/7 Access to Academy of Advertising Skool Community.

You'll never be left alone, confused or lost as you can get help from me and your fellow AOA Diamond Club members at any time!

No question is "too beginner" or "out of bounds".  The point of this community is to help you get results.  And trust me, I've seen everything and can tell you how to fix any issue you come across.
24/7 Access to the Ultimate Ad Course Bundle.

You'll get four courses that will turn you into a calm, cool & collected professional advertiser able to create profitable ads and scale them in less than a week.

You'll learn the JH Media 'Lazy Man's' Methodology and how to apply it to Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube & TikTok.  The best part is you'll be able to manage all this in less than an hour per day, in fact, most days you won't even look at your accounts like me 😉
24/7 Access to the Ultimate Ad Swipe & Deploy Bundle.

You'll NEVER have to guess what to say to make sales or even write your own ad copy when you use my 12 "A.I. Instructing Ad Copy Frameworks + Chat GPT Prompts.

You'll also get 18 Creative Frameworks so you know exactly what images and video types generate consistent sales in all my tests.  With the $100M Ad Swipe File, you'll never run out of ideas for sales generating ads.
24/7 Access to the Ultimate Skills Course Bundle.

Along with your ad skills, you'll need to master copywriting, email marketing and sales to become a person who can craft up winning campaigns with ease while maximizing the return on ad spend you get.

You'll be able to increase your conversion rates, repeat buyers and average order values (which means a LOT MORE money) in your business when you use this material.
24/7 Access to the Ultimate Agency Building Bundle.

You'll be absolutely amazed by this course bundle as you'll get all the SOP's, hiring guides, checklists and templates I used to build my 7 figure marketing agency from scratch.

If you have your own business and are tired of hiring failed agencies, you can use this to build, train and run your entire media buying team.

If you do not have a business, you can use this material to bootstrap your own agency and start it without having to spend money on your own ads!
24/7 Access to the Advanced Conversion Strategies Swipe File.

Once you get in here, you're gonna wish you found me sooner as you'll open up a Google Doc with the ad, funnel & follow up strategies + templates for EVERY ONLINE BUSINESS MODEL ever made!

With these tested and proven examples to model, you'll never have to guess about what to do or what to say to make sales in any ad, funnel page or email follow up.

This is like having a time machine that lets you skip forward to being a master without having to suffer through the process of becoming one.
24/7 Access to the The Champagne Room.

You'll get all the recordings from past Diamond Club calls which contain exclusive training material you won't find inside the courses.

You'll also get access to a private Slack channel where we're doing deals.  For example, you can refer business to my done for you agency to me and get paid a finder's fee.  We also might be able to partner on a deal or you could partner with another member.

The sky's the limit when we put our minds together and collaborate!
Here’s All The Skills, Tools, & Support You Get When You Join The Academy of Advertising Diamond Club Today
  1. Live Weekly Consulting Calls With Jason Hornung ($995 Value)
  2. Monthly Scale Profits Now Done For You Campaigns ($995 Value)
  3. Access To AOA Skool Community ($995 Value)
  4. Ultimate Advertising Course Bundle ($995 Value)
  5. Bonus #1: Ultimate Ad Swipe & Deploy Bundle ($495 Value)
  6. Bonus #2: Ultimate Skills Course Bundle ($495 Value)
  7. Bonus #3: Ultimate Agency Building Bundle ($495 Value)
  8. Bonus #4: Advanced Conversion Strategies ($495 Value)
  9. Bonus #5: The Champagne Room (Priceless)
Total Value: $5,960

You're Not Going To Pay

Or even

Your Membership Is 100% Money Back Guaranteed For The Next 365 Days*.

You Make $10k Or You Don't Pay.

I’m so confident in the skills, tools and customized help you’ll be getting from me that I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is...

So here’s the deal:

If you enroll in the AOA Diamond Club, then I guarantee you’ll make at least a $10,000 profit during the next 365 days or I’ll happily send your money back*!

Take a peek inside the members only area so you can see the 'can't fail' profit path I've paved for you and your ads.  This is how I can guarantee your results.
For the Right Person, the AOA Diamond Club Will PAY FOR ITSELF Multiple Times Over EVERY SINGLE MONTH.
The strategies you’ll receive have been tested and proven and are currently being deployed in the market ON EVERY MAJOR AD NETWORK.

They work for Ecommerce, Information Products, Coaching/Consulting. Agency Services, Local Businesses, Lead Generation, Low Ticket & High TicketYou'll get examples of how to create offers, funnels and ad campaigns that sell for every business model on Planet Earth.

All the business, marketing, copywriting, creative direction, media buying skills and more you'll master as a Diamond Club member are timeless.  You can use them to create massively profitable campaigns like these ones I'm running for clients:
Information Products
Local Business
Get The Same Strategies Experts Use To Make $100,000+/Month With Ads
“Jason’s work consistently brings me back anywhere between $1.99 all the way up to $3 for every dollar I’ve spent with him. He is my friend, my former client, and now my traffic guy.”
“I attended Jason’s workshop & learned first-hand from him on managing Facebook Ads.  From dabbles of ad spend here & there, we managed to scale our campaigns to the point of spending $30,000/day & more profitably.”
“Over the last 90 days, Jason’s team took one of my products live. We’re averaging a $100,000 a month of revenue with less than $30,000 in ad spend, so we’re making 3 times back our money.”
Now You Can Have The Skills To Pay The Bills No Matter What's Happening In The Economy Or World
It’s 30 days from now. Your investment in the AOA Diamond Club has paid you back thousands of times over.  You’re seeing more sales, more clients, more wins and ultimately more happiness.

All your anxiety and stress has melted away so you can finally breathe easy.

People who watched you suffer when you lost money in the past are stunned by your ‘rise to the top’.  For the first time, you’re empowered to achieve your greatest hopes for your income and life.

Join the AOA Diamond Club and get the skills to create the outcomes you deserve, today.

Remember the strategies you'll get:

Work in EVERY compliant niche/market.

Work on ad spends from $20/day to $143,516/day.

Work on every major ad platform.

I look forward to seeing your results and having you as my next case study, I'm super pumped to see where you take this!

To the victor belong the spoils,

Jason Hornung
Academy of Advertising
JH Media, LLC

P.S.  In case you’re like me and you scroll on down to read this PS first, here’s the deal:

I profitably spend $468,753 per month on ads for my clients.

Academy Of Advertising Diamond Club is where I share the strategies, processes and systems my team and I use RIGHT NOW to keep our clients making life changing money with 100% integrity.

You’ll be able to COPY AND PASTE these strategies into your business WITHOUT being overwhelmed or spending a fortune!

P.P.S. My mission is to give you what I wish I had when I got started:  The truth about how to advertise any product anywhere online and get consistent sales.

Without having to resort to unethical behavior.  You'll be able to do this in your business by following what you learn on this video - whether you work with me or not.

However, if you don't want to do this alone...
Join the AOA Diamond Club Today & I'll Help You Become an Unstoppable Force in Business, Able to Control Your Income at Will
Join The Academy of Advertising Diamond Club >>
365 Day Money Back Guarantee*
100% Secure.
Meet the Founder of Academy of Advertising
Jason Hornung is often considered an outsider... a rebel... a maverick.  His entire life is about challenging conventional wisdoms and finding his own truth.

Every penny Jason has earned as an adult has been through commission only sales jobs or being a business owner in charge of making his own sales.

Through sheer tenacity and determination, Jason raised himself up from a poor & broken home to become a multi-millionaire before the age of 40 via his marketing agency, JH Media LLC.

His unique insights into what motivates people to buy has been responsible for some of the most profitable online ad campaigns ever recorded.  He's known as the "guru to the gurus" for his work behind the scenes with some of the biggest names in coaching & marketing like Sam Ovens, Frank Kern, Mike Dillard, Neil Patel, Agora Financial & many more.

There isn't a situation in advertising, business or life that Jason hasn't experienced and can't expertly guide you through.  Learn more about Jason here.

JH Media, LLC, a Limited Liability Company of Oregon with the registered agent address of 1500 SW 5th Avenue
Unit 906
Portland, OR 97201

*Terms & Conditions to Guarantee
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc.
Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way.
FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing and advertising since 2005, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.  

Copyright © JH Media LLC
